While bean plants are growing very fast, especially during monsoon, aloe vera plants are growing very slowly. The growth of the plant depends to a very great extent on the size of the pot, the soil and water . Tired of having almost all payments blocked, account closed by the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees impersonating her and their associates, instead of wasting time online decided to spend some time growing aloe vera plants in september 2016.
In 2016, it was raining very heavily, so some of the plants grew well. However after monsoon the domain investor could not water them regularly because the water pump in the building was sabotaged again by those stalking her so the plants started growing slowly due to limited water supply.
However in June 2017, after the monsoon the aloe vera plants again started flourishing and now there are a large number of aloe vera plants. So for a person who is a victim of organized stalking and finds that all his or her activities are being sabotaged, correspondence stolen, payment blocked, account closed, growing aloe vera and other plants can be a very relaxing activity which those stalking cannot easily sabotage.