Ashwagandha and Stevia plants not available easily in Goa

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Most of the medicinal plants are available at a relatively low cost in Goa, supplied by the forestry department as part of a promotion with the ayush ministry. However some plants which are not easily available are stevia and ashwagandha. Though they were listed for sale by the forestry department for the July sale in different towns of goa , when people went to purchase the plants, they were told that they were sold out.
Most people are interested in purchasing stevia, as an alternative to sugar, as an artificial sweetener.
similarly ashwagandha is widely used in medicines, so many wish to get hold of these plants, Most of the nurseries in goa are focussing mainly on flower plants, there are few nurseries supplying fruits and herb plants, unlike other states, where a large number of herbal plants are available.