Ashwagandha and Stevia plants not available easily in Goa

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Most of the medicinal plants are available at a relatively low cost in Goa, supplied by the forestry department as part of a promotion with the ayush ministry. However some plants which are not easily available are stevia and ashwagandha. Though they were listed for sale by the forestry department for the July sale in different towns of goa , when people went to purchase the plants, they were told that they were sold out.
Most people are interested in purchasing stevia, as an alternative to sugar, as an artificial sweetener.
similarly ashwagandha is widely used in medicines, so many wish to get hold of these plants, Most of the nurseries in goa are focussing mainly on flower plants, there are few nurseries supplying fruits and herb plants, unlike other states, where a large number of herbal plants are available.

Insulin plant propagates quickly

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One of the factors to be considered while growing a plant is to select a plant which will grow and propagate quickly .
The insulin plant, costeus igneus, which is said to be useful for those having diabetes is one of the plants which is easier to grow, However if the plant is waterlogged, it will not grow, however the branches of the plant will develop shoots and grow quickly
People throw away the plant in the waste area, and it is observed that the plant is growing quickly in the waste area also unlike most other plants which wilt and dry quickly

Citronella plant delivered later with Nursery live order

Due to the google, tata masterminded sex racket, identity theft fraud on a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, domain investor and engineer, the domain investor often has to pay more than Rs 25000 monthly in domain renewal expenses ,while the 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex worker sunaina chodan, siddhi, cheater housewife naina, nayanshree, riddhi nayak, veena, asmita patel, blackmailer ruchika king and fraud R&AW/CBI employees impersonating her FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree do not pay any expenses, yet get a monthly indian government salary for FALSELY CLAIMING to own her websites, domain names because of the SEX, money bribe taking fraud top NTRO, CBI, security agency employees who abuse their powers to make fake claims.
As a result, she has very little money for other expenses while the 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/CBI employees have no expenses, do no work yet get a monthly indian government salary of Rs 25000 or more each at the expense of the broke google competitor FOR MAKING FAKE CLAIMS due to the section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees. Only because Nursery live was offering a 20% cashback, till August 15, 2017, she had placed an order online, and mainly for a citronella plant in the 5 plant pack, as the other plants like Krishna Tulsi are easily available in Goa.
However when the Nursery Live order PG* was delivered in Panaji, Goa on 21 August 2017 by Fedex, the citronella plant was not delivered. Only the other 4 plants(listed below) in the order were delivered
Lemon Grass – Plant
Origanum Majorana, Marjoram, Marwa
Krishna Tulsi
Tulbaghia Fragrans, Sweet Garlic

Now in the nurserylive website the citronella plant is not included in the 5 mosquito repellant plant pack listed at the nurserylive website, instead Geranium (Pink) is included. Nursery live has been contacted and their reply is awaited .

Update the citronella plant was later delivered on 26 September 2017

Aloe vera plants take one year to grow well

While bean plants are growing very fast, especially during monsoon, aloe vera plants are growing very slowly. The growth of the plant depends to a very great extent on the size of the pot, the soil and water . Tired of having almost all payments blocked, account closed by the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees impersonating her and their associates, instead of wasting time online decided to spend some time growing aloe vera plants in september 2016.
In 2016, it was raining very heavily, so some of the plants grew well. However after monsoon the domain investor could not water them regularly because the water pump in the building was sabotaged again by those stalking her so the plants started growing slowly due to limited water supply.
However in June 2017, after the monsoon the aloe vera plants again started flourishing and now there are a large number of aloe vera plants. So for a person who is a victim of organized stalking and finds that all his or her activities are being sabotaged, correspondence stolen, payment blocked, account closed, growing aloe vera and other plants can be a very relaxing activity which those stalking cannot easily sabotage.

Lack of rain making wild medicinal plants wither and dry

Since 13 August 2017, it has not been raining in panaji, and this has made many of the medicinal plants growing in the wild wither away. Goa has plenty of rainfall, however most of the rain is not utilized properly and it drains to the arabian sea. Due to the heavy rainfall, there are many medicinal and other plants which are growing in the wild all over goa, on the roadside and other areas.

Compared to 2016, when goa experienced very heavy rainfall, in 2017, the rainfall is rather sparse. Though some plants are growing in the wild, if there is no rain for three or more days, the plants are likely to wither away and die.

Those with a garden have to make arrangement to water their plant so that they do not wither and dry up. There are few efficient methods to keep the plants hydrated when it does not rain.

Neem plant from Mumbai lost all leaves

Air travel is not suitable for moving plants from one place to another unless properly packed as the plants are likely to be damaged. While some plants like rose plants are surviving the journey from Mumbai to Goa by air, it appears that the neem plants are rather delicate

On July 22, 2017, a neem plant was transported from Mumbai to Goa by air, check in luggage. However by August 15, 2017, the neem plant had lost most of the leaves as the rough handling in the airport and airplane damaged the plant.

At present the neem plant is under observation to check whether it will generate leaves after some time.

Anjeer plant loses all leaves

Buying plants is a risky business, because there is no guarantee that the plant will survive for long

Anjeer fruit is good for health, as it has a lot of fiber.
For example the anjeer plant which was purchased online, was flourishing for a month or so, with leaves growing fast . However in the last few weeks the plant leaves became yellow and started falling off.
The leaves of other plants in the same pot also starting yellowing
All other plants, especially bean plants in the area are flourishing, only the anjeer plant has lost all leaves
Now on August 14, 2017, the plant has no leaves at all .

Ajwain, pan ova plants comparatively easy to grow


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Compared to aloe vera plants which grow rather slowly, ajwain or pan ova plants are easier to grow after a cutting has been obtained , They flourish in the monsoon when it rains heavily and the soil is well drained and sandy . They flourish better when planted in very large pots or in the ground, they do not grow very well in grow bags and smaller pots.
Almost every cutting of ajwain plant will develop roots after some time, though the rate of growth of the plant will vary after it has developed roots depending on the soil, size of the pot and amount of water it will receive.
One of the factors which is a good indication of how well the plant is growing is the size of the leaves . It is observed that plants growing in the mud or large pots have larger size leaves while those grown in small pots have smaller leaves and do not grow very fast.

Most young people are not interested in gardening


It appears that mainly middle aged and senior citizens are interested in gardening, growing plants. The young people are mainly interested in enjoying themselves, drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages, they do not get any happiness or pleasure gardening.

It could because in india in 2017, most of the better opportunities are only reserved for young people who are less than 30 years, and indian intelligence and security agency employees are allowed to waste a huge amount of indian tax payer money to block the opportunities available to older people stealing leads,orders,, often making completely fake allegations without any proof at all against the older person

On the other hand, older people, senior citizens have almost no opportunities in India due to persecution of security and intelligence agencies and are looking for a relaxing way of spending their time productively. Gardening is one of the better options for middle aged people and senior citizens, especially those ostracized in the tech and internet sector, where ageism and identity theft is rampant.